Recently I find myself daydreaming a lot about what I want to do; imagining scenarios of standing on an arena stage facing tens of thousands of fans. Granted, this usually happens when the office has come to a grinding halt and my thoughts have the freedom to wander, but it’s still a nice reminder of an end goal.
Listening to Alter Bridge, Breaking Benjamin,Foo Fighters, Motorhead...all my influences and loves are just sitting there festering in my mind offering nothing but amazing music (which obviously I’ll never complain about). The very word “influences” though, gives the idea that whatever I’m doing these guys should be helping motivate me.
Reading into stories and hearing about times where these idols of mine went through similar situations really does bring it home again. Everyone starts somewhere. Everyone has to work their way up and not think about the hard work and effort that has to go in, but how great it’ll be once you get past it all.
That sudden realisation hit me like a brick wall and now I’m going to drive and commit to getting where I want to be. My dreams are becoming one of my focuses. All the people who say “aw that’s just a dream” can heave ho to Negativille and I’ll be happy starting my path on reaching doing what I love. Dream big.
Download Headliner? I can manage that.
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