Thursday, 9 October 2014

Asstadon..ahem...Mastadon's music video backlash

Mastadon have recently been at the butt of all jokes with their recent “controversial” video release for “The Motherload”. The video is 90% twerk and booty and it seemed to annoy a fair amount of folk.
It’s being described as “sexist”, “racist” and generally offensive. This comes from the main content of the video being groups of women (most of which being coloured) twerking along to the song.

Despite the mixed reaction to the video thus far, both the band members and dancers know exactly what it was; A load of fun. Drummer Brann Dailor commented on an accusation from The Guardian, saying;

“But no, Dom, I hear you cry, it’s not sexist. It’s funny! Look at those vibrating butt-cheeks! Brilliant. It’s probably ironic or something. Well, no. It’s still sexist. I don’t care how much irony you throw at this. It was sexist when it happened in past videos and it’s still sexist now. The fact that Mastadon are an ostensibly bright bunch and very much not from the heavy metal old school – where, back in the hallowed day, sexism was widely tolerated – is not a sufficient get-out clause by any stretch. Neither is this video excused from being tarred with the sexist brush because of a proportion of women immersed in alternative culture have decided that it’s OK”.

Drummer Dainor acknowledged and commented on the accusation when speaking to Pitchfork:

“I know! I’m really upset. I don’t know. The last thing that I wanted to do was come on and be defensive, because I don’t feel like I should have to defend it. It’s a music video and its really not supposed that gets people this upset because this was really a fun thing that doesn’t really mean too much. It’s not to be taken seriously.

I don’t know, I just don’t see the sexism in it. I know there’s half-naked women that are shaking their butts. For people it’s titillating, but for me it just looked amazing. I thought the girls were awesome and talented, and I thought it was amazing to watch. I love when it turns into that kaleidoscope effect thing; it brings the video to a whole new level.

But it’s gotten people talking obviously, you know. I figured that would happen, you know what I mean. I knew there was going to be some negativity. But we do that; we’re that kind of band. It hadn’t been done before, and we were kind of looking for something that hadn’t been done before because it’s hard to come by these days.”

The mainstream charts are currently being topped by all that is booty. Songs with little to no substance or lyrical content soar to number one because some lassie is shaking her toosh, but the second a metal band try their hand at similar actions it’s a warzone.

What do you think? Have Mastadon taken a step too far or should they just put this all behind them?

As always, stay heavy.

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