Tuesday, 18 November 2014

COREY TAYLOR: Gene needs to get out more

SLIPKNOT frontman COREY TAYLOR has once again followed up to GENE SIMMON’s comment that “rock is dead”.

The Knot mainman says band success can’t be related sorely on sales and numbers. Despite the amazing success of recently released album 5: The Gray Chapter from the band, he bases their success on other factors.

Talking to KLAQ he says:

"I think people put too much on sales, because that doesn't relate to how many people hear it. In this day and age it's more about getting people to hear the music.

"I love the fact that we had the highest sales in the first week for a metal band the whole year, in a long time. I'm proud of that. But at the same time that doesn't relate to how many people have heard it and bought specific songs.

"We had three million views for the Knotfest live streams and you don't get awards for that. We had so many million views of The Negative One video and The Devil In I video, and you don't get awards for that.

"Just the fact that we had almost 70,000 people over the Knotfest weekend proves something. You don’t always need a platinum album to relate that to success so, with all due respect to Mr Simmons; he needs to get out more.”

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As always, stay heavy.

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