With more lookie-lookie stuff being flung out of Camp Knot and none of that containing info on identities of the new additions to the band folk are starting to get restless. The Negative One and official single The Devil in I now both have videos as well as more artwork and concepts being released.
Keep the new band members’ details unknown was a good hype tactic to build the excitement but now fans are becoming itchy and agitated. Thankfully in an interview between frontman Corey Taylor with Full Metal Jackie, we got some weight lifted when he announced details of the new band member’s masks...and there’s some controversy. Taylor commented:
We wanted to make something that still looked unified but still stayed with the spirit of what the band is all about. Instead of trying to find something that was individualistic, we designed — well, Clown designed a mask that the drummer and the bass player will both wear. On one hand, they get a mask, but at the same time, it’s not the individual mask that we in the band use. We knew that any attempt to do anything like that might be taken as disrespectful, but at the same time it’s part of the way of moving, getting past the hardest steps, which is just moving on. So, we decided that we would come up with a mask that works for both the bassist and the drummer and that’s what they’ll wear on stage.
The band’s former and original guitarist Donnie Steele has been standing in for bass since the loss of Paul Gray, but not in the spotlight of the main stage. Question is if he has now moved to be the full time bassist or they found a replacement for the replacement. As for the drummer, nothing more but rumour has been flying about as to his (or her?) details.
On a personal note, I can’t say that I’m completely for the idea of the same masks. Slipknot have always stood for individuality while together, a unit – be yourself but complete with those around you - so to turn round and give the two newbies the same mask almost seems like the band sees them as lesser contributors to The Knot and from what we’ve heard so far is not the case.
Maybe I’m just touchy, let me know what you think about the same masks for the new guys.
Either way, all will be answered come the 21st October when Slipknot – 5:The Gray Chapter will be released on Roadrunner.
As always, stay heavy.
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